This site provides a way to navigate from one yoga pose to adjacent yoga poses. Pictures for each yoga pose are
either hosted locally or are
provided by external sites like Yoga Journal.
To get started, select an initial pose:
- table top
- cow
- cat
- child's pose
- downward dog
- dolphin
- lay on stomach OR crocodile
- bow
- laying on back, one leg extended up
- lying on back, both legs extended up
- supported shoulder stand
- plow pose
- ear pressure pose
- high plank
- wild thing
- low plank
- side plank, straight arm support, straight legs
- standing bend, legs together
- down dog, one leg raised
- flipped dog
- stand straight (mountain)
- happy camper
- tree pose
- warrior 3
- warrior 1
- dancer pose
- standing splits, inverted
- chair pose
- wheel
- warrior 2
- peaceful warrior
- corpse pose
- happy baby, rock side to side
- on back, knees bent, feet on ground
- on back, knees bent, feet in air
- knees to one side, head to other
- seated forward fold with straight legs
- pigeon pose
- one leg straight, one leg in
- compass pose
- rock bent leg
- kneeling on shins OR thunderbolt OR Diamond
- standing on shins
- camel pose
- crow
- squat, knees wide OR garland
- standing, legs apart
- upward dog
- seated with one leg straight forward one knee bent on ground
- half lotus OR accomplished
- seated full lotus
- embryo pose
- flying lotus OR Lotus peacock
- floating staff pose
- crane
- one-legged crane
- standing wide legs, feet parallel, torso upright
- standing wide legs, torso bent over, parallel feet
- tripod head stand, legs extended straight up, arms at 90deg
- arms to side
- both legs straight, front foot point forward, back foot flat at 45deg
- standing hinged forward at hips
- revolved triangle pose
- extended side angle pose
- bind
- bird of paradise
- funky bird of paradise
- standing bend bound twist
- standing bend, legs apart
- tripod head stand, legs bent, arms at 90deg
- floating elephant trunk; one leg over arm
- eight angle pose
- flying pigeon, leg extended
- peddle feet
- tripod head stand, legs extended out, arms at 90deg
- no-handed head stand
- inverted tripod
- seated wide-leg, back perpendicular to floor
- seated wide-leg, floating
- seated wide-leg, flying
- all fours, one arm extended
- all fours, one leg extended
- all fours, one arm extended, oppposite leg extended
- all fours, one arm extended, same side leg extended
- all fours, hips to one side
- forearm plank
- tripod head stand, legs bent, arms straight
- standing back bend
- scorpion
- bird of paradise, bent forward, leg to side
- tripod head stand, legs straight, arms straight
- butterfly OR cobbler
- hurdler
- bridge
- standing eagle
- seated forward fold
- extended puppy pose
- boat
- standing forward fold
- standing forward fold with straight back
- forearm wheel
- handstand, legs straight
- extended triangle
- half moon
- Standing Big Toe Hold
- Crescent Moon OR low lunge
- tiger
- cobra
- One legged wheel
- Inverted Staff
- seated One-legged King Pigeon
- Eight-Angle Pose
- cow face
- rooster
- fish
- Shoulder pressing posture
- Embryo in Womb Pose
- Eka Pada Koundinyasana I
- Eka Pada Koundinyasana II
- Eka Pada Galavasana
- peacock
- firefly
- Raised Lotus pose
- one arm handstand, legs straight
- forearm headstand, legs straight up
- legs up the wall pose
- Side-Reclining Leg Lift
- caterpillar
- formidable
- frog
- Feathered Peacock Pose, legs straight
- Formidable Face pose
- Feathered Peacock Pose, legs in lotus
- Posture of Repose
- Yogic Sleep Pose
- locust or grasshopper
- Wind-Relieving pose
- Revolved Abdomen pose OR Belly twist OR Spinal twist
- Bharadvaja's twist 1
- Bharadvaja's twist 2
- pose of the sage Marichi
- Marichyasana III
- Lord of the Fishes Pose
- noose
- easy
- lion
- Archer OR Bow and Arrow OR Shooting Bow
- rabbit
- staff pose OR back stretch pose
- monkey OR seated front splits
- tortoise or turtle
- Upside-Down Tortoise
- seated side split
- forearm stand, legs in full lotus
- hero
- seated wide-leg, torso forward bend
- hand stand, legs in eagle
- hand stand, legs in lotus
- forearm stand, legs in side splits
- forearm stand, legs in eagle
- downward dog twist to grab one leg
- side plank, straight arm supporting, straight leg up
- side plank, forearm supporting, straight legs
- cowherd
- gate
- high lunge
- lord of the dance
- side stretch
- revolved side angle
- heron
- King Pigeon
- One-Legged King Pigeon Pose II
- sphinx
- Marichyasana II
- standing splits, upright
- side crow
- lotus corpse
Ben Payne AT gmail